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Country Risk Assessment: Mexico

Mexico is one of the most dynamic economies in Latin America, with a population of approximately 130 million people and a GDP of over $1.2 trillion. As with any country, Mexico carries risks that investors and businesses must consider before deciding to invest or do business there. In this blog post, we will explore the country risk assessment of Mexico and discuss some of the key factors that investors and businesses should consider when expanding.

Political Risk:

Political risk is always a key consideration when investing or doing business in a foreign country. Mexico is a democratic country with free elections, but the country has been plagued by political corruption and drug-related violence. The current government has taken steps to address corruption and violence, but it remains a challenge.

Economic Risk:

Mexico's economy is heavily dependent on trade with the United States. Any changes in U.S. trade policies or a slowdown in the U.S. economy can have a significant impact on Mexico's economy. In addition, Mexico's economy is also impacted by fluctuations in commodity prices, particularly oil.

Currency Risk:

The Mexican peso is a freely-floating currency, and its value can be subject to fluctuations in the foreign exchange market. Investors and businesses need to be aware of this risk when conducting transactions denominated in pesos.

Market Risk:

Mexico has a well-developed capital market, but it is still relatively small compared to other countries in the region. There are also restrictions on foreign investment in some sectors, which can limit investment opportunities for foreign investors.

Legal Risk:

Mexico has a civil law legal system, which can be different from the common law system used in the United States and other countries. Investors and businesses need to be aware of these differences and work with local legal counsel to navigate the legal system.


Mexico is a dynamic country with significant potential for investors and businesses. However, like any country, it carries risks that must be carefully considered before investing or doing business there. Political corruption and drug-related violence, economic dependence on the United States, currency fluctuations, limited investment opportunities, and a civil law legal system are some of the key risks to be aware of. With careful planning and the right partners, investors and businesses can mitigate these risks and succeed in Mexico. Trade credit insurance can be a valuable tool to reduce the risk of expanding abroad. If your organization is interested in pursuing a policy, contact us at

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice or relied upon as a substitute for legal, financial, or other professional advice.

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